gher lena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The company from the beginning, is divided into units that encompass 2. These recording operations will themselves function of workforce size to encompass 3. We usually mark the northern limit of Variscides to encompass this region 4. She had that character that have blossomed girls without dot (JAMMES, Robinsons, 1925, p 5. We define the similarities and orthogonal transformations for ? replacing, in the definitions in Chapter 2, the dot product by ? (x, y); we note GO (?) [resp

Given are the examples of hindi word gher lena usage in english sentences. The examples of gher lena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., beset, mob, cluster round, envelop, tree, corner, besiege, press, surround, encompass, lay siege to, dot.

Indian manuscripts were usually written on palm leaf, or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas.पाण्डुलिपियाँ प्राय: ताड़पत्रों अथवा हिमालय क्षेत्र में उगने वाले भूर्ज नामक पेड़ की छाल से विशेष तरीके से तैयार भोजपत्र पर लिखी मिलती हैं|

Sitting on the tree the parrot eats guava.तोता पेड़ पर बैठा अमरूद खाता है|
For example, the phenomenon of an apple falling from a tree towards the ground is explained by the law of gravity.
Enlightened after seven days, he renamed the tree the Bo Tree (Tree of Wisdom) and began to teach and to share his new understandings.
Al the voter has to do is to press the button against the name of the candidate she wants to give her vote.
An irresistible desire got hold of him to press the most prominent of all buttons, the red one.
At a press conference held by NASA, a scientist was briefing the world press: .
A tree creeper moves rapidly up the trunk of the oak tree, snapping up insects all the way.
Coffee estates and colonial bungalows stand tucked under tree canopies in prime corners.
Macaques, Malabar squirrels, langurs and slender loris keep a watchful eye from the tree canopy.
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